Концерт The Baseballs 22.02 в Космонавте отменен

images Солист немецкой группы The Baseballs Сэм (Sven Budja) попал в больницу. В ближайшее время ему предстоит перенести  операцию. Питерский концерт в Космонавте переносится на 16 мая. Группа извинилась, опубликовав на сайте обращение к российским поклонникам: « Shows in Russia postponed! Today, The Baseballs have some bad news especially for their fans in Russia: Sam has slipped a disc and even though he's getting good medical attention, it's impossible for him to be on stage at the moment. That's why The Baseballs have to postpone the upcoming shows in Russia. The show in St. Petersburg at Kосмонавт will now be on 16th May 2013 and The Baseballs will be in Moscow on 17th May 2013. The venue for the show in Moscow will be announced soon. All tickets are valid for the new dates. The Baseballs are really sorry and are looking forward to seeing you in May!».


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